donderdag 23 maart 2017

Consult 3

We had feedback on our different ideas

Idea 1:
Umbrella with tools

The concept is to complex to use. There are also geometric problems when you want to close the umbrella with the tools. There  isn’t enough space to close it. 

Idea 2:
Sections with a certain amount of holes to put tools in

It isn't modular enough yet. The size of the section have to vary more. There is also a transport problem, when you put the tools down the tools will come lose. 

Idea 3:
Premade frames with bars and loops.

The tools are to individual stored. it can become very complex with multiple small tools, which will also make it expensive. 
There isn't a good overview over the tools and there is a transport problem again.

It would be better if there are "families" of tools which are stored together so the user can choose what he needs.

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